UOK Medical Concession Form


Important – please read before filling in this form:

We have an agreement with the University that letters are only sent if you have been assessed by a doctor or nurse at the Medical Centre or University Nursing Service at the time of illness.

This form can be used for documenting medical information which resulted in a missed exam/class/event seriously affecting assessment grades (eg lab class/summative performance/presentation/in-class or timed test).  Please complete the form if this applies to you.

This request is for a medical letter to substantiate illness or a medical condition and letters are written at the doctor’s discretion.

Students must also make a concession claim with their School for missed assessments or attendance. Medical letters from the Medical Centre can take up to 2 weeks to process and reach the relevant School/Centre.

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Medical Letter Application Form - Students Studying at UOK
Student Status:: *
I consent to the release of medical information and I confirm that this application for a medical letter is requested for official University of Kent purposes only.

Privacy Consent


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