Clinics and Services


Find out more about the services we offer


Asthma Management

At the University Medical Centre, we do not run a special asthma clinic.

We are happy to see you at a time convenient for you through the normal appointments system.

  • Our aim is to minimise the impact of asthma on your everyday life through good care and management. We hope to enable you to take control of your asthma and offer all students an individual self-management plan.
  • If you have asthma and have recently registered with the practice we would like to invite you to make an appointment to see the Practice Nurse to discuss your care. Please bring all of your treatment with you, as your inhaler technique will be checked.
  • To make an appointment, see our appointments page and ask the receptionist for an asthma clinic appointment.
  • If you are already registered with the Practice and your asthma is well controlled we would encourage you to see the Practice Nurse once a year to review your management.
  • At an asthma consultation the Practice Nurse will review the severity of your symptoms, possible triggers, medication, and suggest ways of improving your care. Your self-management plan will include information on your medication, what to do if your asthma gets worse or your peak flow falls.
  • We recommend that all our patients with asthma, who are on regular inhaled steroids, are vaccinated against influenza and pneumococcus. We run an immunisation clinic to administer the ‘influenza jabs in the Autumn – please make an appointment by contacting the receptionist as above.

What to do in an asthma attack

If you have an individual management plan follow the advice that has been given to you. Otherwise:

  1. Take 2 puffs (or more if you have been advised) of your reliever (usually blue) immediately
  2. Keep calm and try to relax as much as your breathing will let you
  3. Sit down, don’t lie down
  4. Try to slow your breathing down
  5. Wait 5 to 10 minutes
  6. If the symptoms disappear carry on as normal – make a mental note of any possible trigger for the attack.
  7. If the reliever has no effect get help – call the doctor.
  8. Take a further 2 puffs of your reliever inhaler. It is safe to continue to use your reliever inhaler every few minutes until help arrives.

Cervical Screening: Smear Tests

Women aged between 24 and 64 should have a cervical screening every 3 to 5 years to help prevent cervical cancer. The screening is quick and painless and can be done here in the practice.

If you are aged over 24 and have never had a smear test, or if it has been more than 3 to 5 years since your last screening, you should arrange an appointment with our Practice Nurse. You should not have the test while you are having a period or in the 4 days before or after your period as this can affect the sample.

Learn more about Cervical Screenings on the NHS website

Child Development

Maternity Care

Initially arrange an appointment to see your Doctor. The local Midwives Team will look after you during your pregnancy.

Child Services

The local Health Visitor Team will take over care of you and your baby from the birth of your child.

Child Development

If you have any concerns please make an appointment with your Doctor or Health Visitor.

Child Health

The Health Visitor provides a source of information and support for those caring for young children.

All parents with children under school age are offered a service which includes discussing the child’s growth and development at regular intervals, offering advice and information on a variety of subjects such as breast feeding, aspects of behaviour such as potty training, tantrums and accident prevention.

Family Health

Your health visitor can also offer advice and support on a range of health issues such as contraception, nutrition and post-natal depression.

Child Vaccinations

One of the most important things that a parent can do for their child is to make sure that they have all their routine childhood vaccinations. It's the most effective way of keeping them protected against infectious diseases.

Ideally, kids should have their jabs at the right age to protect them as early as possible and minimise the risk of infection.

Learn about NHS vaccinations and when to have them

Contraception Services

There are a wide variety of contraceptive methods available – not just condoms or ‘the pill’.

Choosing the right method which suits you and fits in with your lifestyle is important. All the doctors and nurses at the University Medical Centre are trained in contraception.

We are here to offer you advice and info to help you decide what method to choose and we offer a full range of contraceptive services, including IUCD/IUS and implants.

This service is currently an initial phone consultation and any face-to-face appointments will be subsequently booked if required.

Contraception Pill Review

Complete a Contraception Pill Review Form

Repeat Pill Check

Complete a Pill Check Questionnaire

Emergency Contraception


If you are 25 and under condoms can be obtained free at the University Medical Centre or University Nursing Service by registering with the ‘Get It’ card scheme. You can register and collect condoms at the University Nursing Service.

Post-Coital Contraceptive  
What is it?

Emergency contraception is intended for occasional use, to reduce the risk of pregnancy after unprotected sexual intercourse. It does not replace effective regular contraception.

The emergency contraceptive pill contains just one hormone: progesterone. It works by either stopping the egg from being released from the ovaries, or preventing sperm from fertilising the egg. It may also stop a fertilised egg from attaching itself to the lining of the womb. This means it will prevent a pregnancy. It will not work if you are already pregnant.

There are two types of oral emergency contraception.  Both medications should be taken as soon as possible after unprotected intercourse to increase its efficiency and are more effective if taken within 24 hours.

Does it work?

Progestogen only contraceptive pills are approximately 98% effective in preventing pregnancy.
The pills are less likely to work if:

  • You have unprotected sex after you take them.
  • You vomit within 3 hours of taking the pills.
  • You have severe diarrhoea within 3 hours of taking the pills.
What about side effects?

The progestogen only emergency contraceptive pill is generally well tolerated. Possible side effects include nausea (which is less likely if it is taken after a light meal), breast tenderness or headaches. The next menstrual period may come a little earlier or later than expected, however, if you do not have a period within 3 weeks you must seek medical advice.

If the progestogen only emergency contraceptive pill fails there is a possible increased risk of ectopic pregnancy (a pregnancy within the tubes leading from the ovary to the womb). If you experience any pain or unexpected bleeding after taking the emergency contraception you need to seek immediate advice.

How do I get emergency hormonal contraception?

There are several options open to you:

  • University Medical CentreConsultation with a doctor or nurse at the UMC- no appointment is necessary – simply ring on 01227 469333 and we can arrange a telephone consultation.  We will discuss whether emergency contraception is suitable for you and can issue you the pills at no charge. The consultation, as with all other consultations with your doctor or nurse, is completely confidential.
  • University Nursing Service (UNS): 9am to  5pm Monday to Friday Term Time Only. If you are a student at the University of Kent – you can also obtain emergency contraception from the University Nursing Service (between Santander & Campus Security on Giles Lane), again via telephone consultation with a nurse, emergency contraception can be issued free of charge.
  • Pharmacy:  If you are not a student or would like to obtain emergency contraception elsewhere – you can access emergency hormonal contraception via a pharmacy. Several local pharmacies are authorised to provide Levonelle 2 emergency hormonal contraception free of charge to women under 20 years of age as part of the Kent Teenage Pregnancy strategy.

You will be asked your current weight so we can arrange the correct dose of medication, please have this information available.  

If the University Medical Centre and Pharmacy are closed you can call the out of hours emergency line on 111

IUD (the coil) as Post-Coital Contraception

An IUD can be fitted up to 5 days after unprotected sex, or up to 5 days after the earliest time you could have released an egg (Eg Day 19 of a 28 day cycle). It stops an egg being fertilised or implanting in the womb. It is almost 100% effective and can then be used as ongoing contraception if you like.

An IUD is suitable IF:

  • You are too late to take emergency pills 
  • Do not want or cannot take progestogen
  • Want the most effective method of emergency contraception
  • Want to use the IUD as continuing contraception.

You need to see a doctor to have this fitted. If you have been at risk of sexually transmitted infections then you may need to be screened for these when the IUD is fitted, and antibiotics may be given to prevent the risk of pelvic infection. If you don’t want to use the IUD as your continuing method of contraception, it can be removed as soon as you know you are not pregnant (usually during your next period).

If you need emergency contraception it may be worthwhile reviewing your normal method of birth control, as other methods are more effective.

Covid Vaccination

Get information about COVID-19 vaccination, who can get it, and safety and side effects

Learn more about COVID-19 vaccinations on the NHS website

Diabetes Management

At the University Medical Centre, we do not run a special diabetes clinic – we are happy to see you at a time convenient for you through the normal appointments system.

Student life can put new demands onto your diabetic care. We invite all new students registering with diabetes to come and see a doctor at the Medical Centre to discuss and review their individual treatment and care.

The local diabetic specialists can offer you care whist you are studying in Canterbury. If you would prefer to be seen by them, we can refer you. However, if you intend to continue visiting the diabetic clinic in your home area, would you please let them know of your new registration with our Practice and give them our address. This is so that copies of clinic letters will be sent to us for inclusion in your NHS medical record.

Additionally, even if you are attending a hospital clinic please make an appointment to see the doctor or practice nurse on a regular basis so that we can ensure you are receiving the best possible care.  The care we can provide compliments that of the hospital care.

Each year we arrange for the retinal eye screening unit to visit on campus – this is a vital part of your long term healthcare and we would urge you to attend – to save time, your appointment with the practice nurse can usually be made on the same day. We will invite you by letter when the dates are arranged.

We recommend that patients with diabetes receive immunisation against pneumococcal infection and are offered annual ‘influenza vaccination. We generally run an immunisation clinic in the October – please make an appointment by visiting the appointments page. If you are unable to make it to the clinic on the given day, please let us know and we can make alternative arrangements for your immunisation.

We would strongly advise you to inform a flat mate or neighbour in your residency of your diabetes, so that someone knows to seek help on your behalf in case of emergency.

If you have any ongoing worries about your diabetes, do please come in and see us at the Medical Centre.

We also have an excellent diabetes community liaison nursing service who can be contacted on 01843 234470 for general advice or see local and national support services.

Dressings/removal of sutures

The practice nurse will attend to any wound requiring dressing. Those students requiring dressings may attend the University Nursing Service if this is more convenient.

If you have a wound requiring suturing you will normally be referred to Kent and Canterbury Hospital Minor Injururies Unit.

Sutures or clips generally should remain in place for 5-10 days depending on the type and position of the wound. Make an appointment with the Practice Nurse for wound assessment and/or removal of sutures.

Ear Irrigation

What is ear irrigation?

Impacted or hard wax that has not been displaced by drops alone may need to be removed by the Practice nurse with either a probe or through ear irrigation.  It is generally necessary to use drops (preferably olive oil) for a week prior to irrigation, this is important as the oil is required to soften the wax sufficiently to allow it to be flushed out by irrigation.

At the consultation you should discuss with the nurse any previous ear problems such as ear surgery or discharge. The nurse will assess if irrigation is necessary and appropriate for you. Previous surgery to the ear, recurring ear canal infections or a recent perforation of the ear drum may make irrigation inappropriate.

Ear irrigation  involves the use of a pulsating jet of warm water (a bit like a jet wash!) to remove impacted wax.  The procedure should not be painful. It is a good idea to insert one drop of olive oil into the ear after irrigation, to give some protection after the natural wax coating has been removed.

Complications of the procedure include dizziness, nausea and tinnitus (ringing in the ears), possible damage and/or infection in the external ear canal, and perforation of the ear drum.

Flu Vaccination

Does Age Affect The Risk Of Flu?

Yes. If you are aged 65 years or over or you are at higher risk.

Who Is At Risk?

  • If you are aged 65 years or over or if you are on regular inhaled steroids
  • If you have a chronic respiratory disease (including asthma)
  • If you have chronic heart disease
  • If you have chronic renal disease
  • If you are diabetic
  • If you have a weak immune system
  • If you live in a long-stay residential or nursing home
  • If you have a chronic liver disease
  • If you are a carer

Do I Need To Be Protected Against Pneumococcal Infection?

Everybody aged 65 and over should now be immunised to help protect them against pneumococcal infection which can cause diseases such as pneumonia, septicaemia (blood poisoning) and meningitis. Please phone the surgery during September to make an appointment if the above applies to you.

Find information about the flu jab, including who should have it, why and when

Learn more about flu vaccinations on the NHS website

Mental Health Services

Primary Care Student Mental Health Specialist Service  (PCSMHS)

For Students Only:

We feel that it is vital that Students have good access to Mental Health services to support them whilst studying. This service is for students with new or existing mental health problems who may need some short-term support to help them return to their usual day-to-day routine and studies.   We accept referrals for the following Universities:

  • University of Kent
  • University of Kent - Medway Campus
  • Canterbury Christ Church University
  • Canterbury Christ Church University - Medway Campus
  • University for the Creative Arts

The service is run by an experienced team of Nurses and Occupational Therapists with access to a Psychiatrist's advice and guidance.  They are able to offer an assessment and support and potentially signpost you for further support from another specialist organisation. 

Referrals are accepted from health and social care professionals, please contact us for more details

The Managing Emotions Group

This is a 12-week online psychoeducation group for students who experience complex emotional difficulties.  Learn different coping strategies to help manage difficult or complex emotions that can impact negatively on your life.

Referral to the group is via health and social care professionals only. 

See our local and national support services for mental health


If you have been advised by the practice to submit a Menopause Symptoms Scale Review please complete this form.

Complete a Menopause Symptoms Scale Review

Minor illness

We share the care of our patients at this Practice. Both Doctors and Nurses can see patients for minor illness advice, information and treatment

You can choose to see a Doctor or Nurse when making an appointment.

Many minor illnesses can be managed without the need to be seen by a Doctor or Nurse.

To make, change or cancel an appointment please see our appointments page

Minor Surgery

Some minor surgical procedures can be done at the practice at the Doctors discretion, such as removal of moles, cysts or ingrown toenails.

If you are offered minor surgery at the Practice the Doctor will explain fully what the procedure involves and any necessary aftercare. You will be asked to fill out a consent form.

Pregnancy testing

Help – I think I might be pregnant!

The Practice Nurse or Health Care Assistant (HCA) can do a pregnancy test if your period is over 2 weeks late. A good quality home pregnancy testing kit is equally as accurate as those at the Practice providing the correct procedure is followed.

Many women find their periods are occasionally late – sometimes the stress of starting University or exam pressure or emotional upset can delay a period. Often your period will come when you relax.

If your period is over 2 weeks late and you have had any form of sexual contact it is a good idea to have a pregnancy test. The test is more accurate if the more concentrated first urine of the day (‘early morning urine’) is used for the test.

A negative test may need to be repeated a week later if you still do not have a period – see the Practice Nurse or HCA.

We understand you may feel anxious or unsure if your period is late and are happy to see you to talk through any anxieties.

Where contraception fails women should have the opportunity to choose the outcome of their pregnancy, please book an appointment with a GP or Nurse Practitioner to discuss your choices.

If the pregnancy test is positive you have 3 choices open to you:

  • Continue the pregnancy and keep the baby.
  • Continue the pregnancy and place the baby for adoption.
  • End the pregnancy by having an abortion.

Talking through your feelings about the pregnancy with your partner, a close friend or relatives can help you decide what to do.

See local and national support services


Unplanned pregnancy – considering your options

Many women who are faced with an unplanned pregnancy find it hard to make a decision about what to do. This information is not intended to encourage you to make any particular decision. Instead it offers ideas that have been helpful to other women in making the decision that was right for them.

Every woman with an unplanned pregnancy faces her own particular circumstances. However, each woman also has some things in common with other women who are facing the same decision. We hope these ideas may help you become clearer about your own thoughts and feelings.

How do you feel about being pregnant? An unintended pregnancy can arouse many different feelings. In fact, most women find they have mixed or conflicting feelings. For example, you might feel: Worried about being able to cope with a baby. Afraid you’ll have to give up other things that are important to you. Concerned about how other people may react. At the same time you might feel:

  • Happy to learn that you can get pregnant
  • Pleased to have the opportunity to have a baby
  • Excited by a new and unique event in your life

Write down a list of the different feelings you have at the moment about being pregnant. (When you can’t think of any more, go on to the next section. Later, if you think of other feelings, you can add them to your list.)

Here are some useful questions to ask yourself about your life at the moment and your future.
  • What are your plans and hopes for the future?
  • What are two or three things that matter most to me in your life at the moment?
  • What are two or three things that you hope to have or achieve in the next five or ten years?
In order to have or achieve those things:
  • How would having a baby help?
  • How would adoption help?
  • How would abortion help?
What would I lose or give up at the moment?
  • If I have the baby?
  • If I put the baby up for adoption?
  • If I have an abortion?
What would I lose or give up in the next five or ten years?
  • If I have the baby?
  • If I put the baby up for adoption?
  • If I have an abortion?
How would other people who matter to me, (such as my partner, parents, friends) react:
  • If I have the baby?
  • If I put the baby up for adoption?
  • If I have an abortion?

What are your values and what do you believe? Up to this point, you’ve been looking at the possible effects of different decisions on your plans for the future. Now look at your thoughts, values, and beliefs about your situation and the different choices.

Here are some statements people often make. Write down the ones that fit for you, and any other thoughts you have.

Choice 2: Having a baby and putting it up for Adoption

  • “I could continue the pregnancy and give birth, without having to bring up the child.”
  • “I could help the child have parents who want it and can care for it.”
  • “I could postpone being a parent myself until later in my life when I feel ready.”
  • “I like the idea of giving someone else the baby they can’t create themselves.”
  • “I don’t think I could give up the baby after nine months of pregnancy and giving birth.”
  • “I would not like living with the idea that someone else has my baby.”
  • “I would worry about whether the baby was being well treated.”
  • “My family would rather have the baby stay in the family than go to strangers.

Choice 3: Having an Abortion

  • “I really don’t want to be pregnant”
  • “I would like to postpone being a parent until my situation. is better (Older, finished university, more financially secure, in a stable relationship).”
  • “I don’t want to be a single parent.”
  • “My partner doesn’t want a baby, and I want to consider his feelings.”
  • “An abortion is a safe and sensible way to deal with an unplanned pregnancy.”
  • “My religious beliefs are against abortion.”
  • “I am afraid I might not be able to get pregnant again.”
  • “My family (or someone else that is important to me) opposes abortion.”

Summing up your feelings

If you have mixed feelings about being pregnant and about each of the choices open to you, making a decision can be difficult and frightening. In making your decision, it is helpful to be clear about your feelings by listing them and then exploring them. To show how you are feeling at the moment, try to finish each of these sentences.

  • “The idea of having a baby makes me feel ……because…..
  • “The idea of placing a baby for adoption makes me feel……because…..
  • “The idea of having an abortion makes me feel…..because….

Now that you have explored your choices, and clarified your feelings and values about the choices, you may be ready to make a decision.

Because you probably have conflicting feelings about each choice, you may find that whatever decision you make won’t feel like the “perfect” decision. It is natural to continue to have some mixed feelings. Ask yourself, “Can I live with those feelings?” If your answer is “Yes,” you are ready to act on your decision.

If you cannot decide, you may need to get more information about your choices or talk with someone you trust – not to decide for YOU, but to help you decide what you think will be best for you. That person could be a parent or other family member, a close friend or partner who cares about you. The questions here might help you and that person discuss your choices.

Try not to put off making your decision. If you decide to continue the pregnancy, it is important to begin antenatal care early so you and your baby are healthy. If you decide on abortion, the earlier you obtain it, the easier and safer it will be.

No one can predict the future. No one can be certain what all of the consequences of any choice may be. But what you can do is carefully consider your plans, your values, and your feelings, and then make the best decision for you at the time.

Do you need more information?

The University Medical Centre has information about abortion, adoption, antenatal care, childbirth, and parenting.


The University Medical Centre is a qualified NHS provider of physiotherapy services.  The Canterbury Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Clinic provide the physiotherapy services for the Medical Centre and the Clinic is located within the Canterbury Innovation Centre, adjacent to the University of Kent,  although you can be referred to any of the other local NHS providers of physiotherapy if you wish.

The Doctor or Nurse at the University Medical Centre can refer you for physiotherapy if appropriate and according to NHS referral guidelines.  Please go to Canterbury Physiotherapy for more information on the what to expect from a physiotherapy appointment & details of the Canterbury Physiotherapy Clinic, but please note that for NHS services you must be referred following an appointment with the Doctor or Nurse.

Physiotherapy is the treatment of injury and disease using physical remedies rather than medication. It can be used on its own or in conjunction with medical treatment.

The aims of treatment are to relieve pain and reduce swelling, to increase movement and overcome problems.

Alone or complementary to other medical or surgical procedures the body’s natural healing mechanisms are encouraged.

Physiotherapy can be used to treat a wide variety of conditions such as back and neck problems, sporting injuries (see also sprained ankle advice), skin conditions and certain specific diseases. For some treatments the doctor may need to refer you to the hospital.

What happens in a referral?

On referral patients have a thorough examination and once a diagnosis is made a course of treatment is decided upon.

A wide choice of treatment is at the physiotherapists fingertips. Many of the machines sound sophisticated such as traction, short-wave, ultra-sonic and lasers. Some of the equipment used is very simple – for example heat, ice, strapping and weights.

Techniques using hands such as massage, friction and manipulation are well established physiotherapy procedures. Exercises, often an important part of treatment are for strength and mobility. Relaxation is a systematic way of unwinding tension in the whole body in times of pain and stress.

Advice often forms an important part of treatment allowing understanding of ways to alleviate or prevent problems. Good posture, correct lifting techniques and positions for work should all be considered.

The practice of physiotherapy is known as orthodox alternative. It is governed by a strict code of ethical conduct laid down by the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy.

University Nursing Service (UNS)

University Nursing Service is situated next to campus security, University of Kent

The service is available to all students and staff at the University of Kent (Canterbury Campus) and is staffed 24 hours a day during term time by registered nurses.

University Nursing Service offers a confidential drop-in service, which provides support and advice, treatment of minor illnesses and minor injuries, contraceptive advice and can arrange emergency contraception via the University Medical Centre.

  • University Nursing Service offers a walk-in service Monday to Friday, 7am to 10am and 5pm to midnight.
    • We run an appointment only service during University Medical Centre opening times (10am to 5pm, Monday to Friday) 
  • University Nursing Service offers a walk-in service at the weekend from 7am to midnight.
  • Midnight until 7am is for emergencies only, UNS is then accesssed via campus security on 01227 823300 who will contact a nurse on your behalf.

Walk-in waiting times can vary. We strive to see all patients as quickly as possible, but during busy periods and when we have in-patients your wait may be longer. During these times the nurse will endeavour to keep you informed of the waiting time.

University Nursing Service has two patient bedrooms with en-suite bathrooms where students may stay if the nurse or doctor feels it is appropriate. If you are going to stay in UNS please bring clothing and toiletries and any essentials that might make your stay more comfortable.

More About Our Services